ClimbFlow Fit-Yoga: for Climbers & Movers 

controlled work and strength in ClimbFlow

ClimbFlow: the unique dynamic yoga + functional fitness movement method providing an optimal workout for climbers, and indeed, all physical fitness enthusiasts. ClimbFlow champions that the attitude of "onwards & upwards" in mind as well as body. It's about taking lessons from the past and looking forward with progression in the whole self.

ClimbFlow was born organically out of Tiffany’s 10 years experience as a competitive and outdoor climber and former top-ranked GB gymnast, her yoga and physical movement training, and work with leading personal trainers, physical therapists and rehab specialists. 

The method offers movement that is accessible yet challenging:  sequences develop strength, control, power & mobility from the core outwards. It provides excellent antagonistic work to repetitive "pulling" actions, whilst also delivering full-body integrated conditioning to get you stronger and fitter. 

ClimbFlow is the extra dimension of training for any climber or athlete looking to make functional gains in pursuit of their personal goals. 

What started in London, is now spreading globally, with YouTube videos reaching climbers all over the world, and classes and events being held from Singapore to New York. Get in touch to organise a ClimbFlow event at your wall, studio or workspace.

Tiffany has worked with aspiring climbers, iron man/woman athletes, triathletes, top performing professionals and corporate clients to deliver her unique ClimbFlow method and yoga flow to improve strength, conditioning, performance as well as rehabilitating the body. 

Get a feel for ClimbFlow Movement, watch the video below:

ClimbFlow offers the following for both groups and individuals

-ClimbFlow Signature Workout: The dynamic yoga + functional fitness fusion. Prepare to work, sweat, and then enjoy all the benefits of stretching out and savasana (resting pose at the end of class)

-ClimbFlow FocusFlow: A gentler, fluid yoga flow for clearing and clarifying the mind whilst easing out the body. Perfect for in-between training or conditioning days, to focus and calm the mind by reducing adrenalin, cortisol, and stimulating recovery. 

-ClimbFlow Workshops: Host a workshop that brings extra time for developing understanding of how your body is moving, to improve not only physical performance, but improve posture and basic activities. Work through a variety of postures and functional movements before experiencing the Signature Workout. 

Follow the ClimbFlow Instagram, Facebook and subscribe to the YouTube channel